Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Indefinite Detention: A Love Song to America's New Tradition

CHORUS 1 (venal and soulless Republican wing of the political class lying to its religious, conservative, patriotic constituents):

Indefinite detention will keep our nation free
Indefinite detention is a boon to liberty
It's a Sacred Practice that our Founding Fathers love
They cry for it from Heaven now, joined by God above!

CHORUS 2 (venal and soulless Democrat wing of the political class lying to its hip, liberal, fun-loving constituents):

Indefinite detention, it's groovy and it's cool
Indefinite detention transgresses all the rules
Think some more about it with a few hits from the bong
Then, my man, you'll see the fascists were right all along!


R:Our homeland's National Defense Authorization Act
D:Added something in '012 to show it has our back
R:If you support the terrorists (or so you are accused)
D:You'll be detained without a trial, tortured and abused.

Chorus: Dems

R:Guantanamo's in danger, give this warning heed
D:Human rights fanatics want detainees tried or freed
R:But thanks to the NDAA our way of life is sound
D:They cannot close GTMO now 'cause GTMO's all around.

Chorus: Repubs

R:Foreigners are dangerous; they harbor terror dreams
R:To keep them from destroying us we must go to extremes
D:But we all came from foreigners so logically you see
D:Indefinite detention must apply to you and me.

Chorus: Dems

R:The Senate critics of this bill lost 7 to 93.
R:They are on our watch list now for hating liberty.
D:Obama signed it into law to honor New Year's Eve
D:So check out any time you like but you can never leave.

Chorus: Repubs

R:The Democrats are left wing; Republicans are right
D:Their partisan bickering's a never-ending fight
R:But on this sacred matter they can all agree
D:Indefinite detention is made for you and me.

Chorus: Dems

D: Seen in its proper context this bill is not so odd
D: We already assassinate Americans abroad
R: Indefinite detention is not a giant leap
R: And since it's trial and lawyer free, it's also really cheap.

Chorus: Repubs

D:Osama bin Laden is dead and we've killed many more
R: But why deprive us of the spoils of everlasting war?
D:The orcs may be much weaker, but watch out for the elves
R:Indefinite detention will save us from ourselves.

Chorus: Dems

D: Manning and Assange exposed our underbelly warts
R: And we can't get the justice we want for them from the courts
D: Indefinite detention with torture suits the first
R: To put the second in his place it might require a hearse.

Chorus: Repubs

D: APA psychologists interrogate so well
R: Making them betray their ethics was an easy sell[1]
D: Indefinite detention will flood that field with pork
R: We paid them well for GTMO; we'll pay more for New York.

Chorus: Dems

D: First target: Occupy Wall Street, with their Otpor[2] raised fists
R:They oppose our violence which makes them terrorists
R:Indefinite detention will teach those kids who's boss
D:The markets have determined that our profit is their loss.

Chorus: Repubs

D:Then Ron Paul libertarians 'cause they're loose cannon cranks
R:They don't want to bomb Iran and they don't love the banks
D:Indefinite detention will chill those grandpas out
R:And crushing all dissent is what America's about.

Chorus: Dems

R: We're one nation under God and God means Jesus Christ
R: But that does not mean human beings are blessed with human rights
R: If you won't grovel down before us, pack up and go home
R: Jesus died so we could build a new Imperial Rome.

Chorus: Repubs

D: Islam's authoritarian, Marxism as well
D: Freethinking bon vivants must therefore bomb them back to hell
D: If that means you lose all your rights then that's the price you'll pay
D: Just embrace the irony, there's no truth anyway.

Chorus: Dems

R:Whistleblowing journalists have sued to stop the bill
D:But our wise leaders will not rule out jailing them at will
D:The courts keep on betraying us; we keep losing our case
R:So smile while you can before we wipe it off your face.

Chorus: Repubs


D: "I shot down Osama," our president beams,
D: "Right there in front of his kids I turned his brains to cream,
D: "I detain and assassinate when it suits my will,
D: "I'm the Commander-in-Chief and I know how to kill!"

Chorus: Dems

R: Romney stands there unimpressed; he thinks Obama's weak
R: "Detention without drowning's like a kiss upon the cheek,
R: "Bring back enhanced interrogation!" Mr. Romney says,
R: "Isn't Appendix M[3]  enough?" replies the puzzled Prez.

Chorus: Repubs

R:Moonbats pick on Pinochet for his detention style:
D:Torture disappearance murder everyone on file
R:But Chile's fun for business now that wasn't always true
D:Indefinite detention will save our nation too.

Chorus: Dems

D: America's a great empire whose victories are sweet
R: But it should now be clear the Bill of Rights is obsolete
D: The free market's the only principle we should enshrine
R: So work hard, obey in fear, or be drowned in the brine.

[1] My own field of psychology, horrifically, stands to benefit from what will probably become a burgeoning industry of indefinite detention.  One of the innovations of the Bush Administration was to dramatically increase the involvement of health professionals in detainee interrogations (particularly as the U.S. decided after 9/11 to try its own hand at more-dramatic-than-usual torture techniques instead of relying on nations like Mubarak’s Egypt to do it for us).

The American Psychiatric Association and the American Medical Association, while not acting sufficiently to prevent medical complicity, did at least forbid their members from taking part in coercive interrogations and eventually from taking part in any kind of ongoing interrogation.  The American Psychological Association, however, actively undermined its own ethics code (and governance procedures) to pre-empt discussion on the matter and ram through a policy of having psychologists present and participating as consultants to enhanced interrogations at GTMO and other “national security settings.”  The Coalition for an Ethical Psychology provides a good introduction to this disturbing story:

In fact, the enhanced interrogations themselves were developed from a menu of known torture techniques by two psychologists—James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, who have professional links to the APA even though they are not members.  Thus psychologists have been a cornerstone of the new “health professionals in interrogations” practice, and will likely see their relevance expand in this domain in the coming years.

[2] There is a great deal of internet-spawned paranoia over the parallelism between the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Otpor movement that (with U.S. State Department help admittedly) contributed to the popular nonviolent overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic shortly after the NATO bombing campaign.  OWS’s raised fist icon is very similar to the raised fist icon of the Otpor movement.  Ivan Marovic of Otpor has also addressed an OWS general assembly. The internet-circulated idea that Otpor (or, by extension, the State Department, CIA, etc.) runs the OWS movement is preposterous (or, if true, bizarre and Alice-Through-the-Looking-Glass like).  The rather explicit similarities in imagery were intended, I imagine, to appeal to a broad cross-section of ideologies who share a common support for nonviolence and democracy over war, torture, oligarchy and tyranny, whether in Serbia or in the U.S.

[3] Appendix M is the appendix of the Obama-approved Army Field Manual which offers guidelines on acceptable and recommended interrogation techniques.  Included as acceptable techniques are sleep deprivation (widely used by the Soviets and satellite states as Orwellian no-marks torture), various “fear up” procedures, exploitation of phobias, and certain modes of sensory deprivation (sensory deprivation in the classic form developed by Psychologist Donald O. Hebb is known to induce psychosis after 48 hours).  Drugs that cause “permanent damage” are forbidden under Appendix M, but drugs that cause serious psychosis and sensory derangement are not.  Stress positions are also not explicitly banned.  There is already a great deal of overlap, then, between Appendix M interrogation procedures and “enhanced interrogation” procedures, though, e.g. drowning people (waterboarding) is excluded. 

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