Due to my inexperience with HTML formatting guitar
chords above lyrics lines (as they are supposed to appear), I have inserted the
chords after the syllables on which the chords would first be played (or reemphasized when it continues from a previous line)
CHORUS 1 (venal and soulless Republican wing of the
political class lying to its religious, conservative, patriotic constituents):
Inde(G)finite detention will keep our nation free(D)
Inde(D)finite detention is a boon(C) to li(D)berty(G)
It's(G) a Sacred Practice that our Founding Fathers
They cry(C) for it from Hea(G)ven now, joined(DM7) by
God(G) above(C)!
CHORUS 2 (venal and soulless Democrat wing of the
political class lying to its hip, liberal, fun-loving constituents):
Inde(G)finite detention, it's groovy and it's cool(D)
Inde(D)finite detention transgre(C)sses all(D) the
Think(G) some more about it with a few hits from the
Then(C), my man, you'll see(G) the fascists were(DM7)
right all(G) along(C)!
R:Our home(G)land's National Defense Authorization
D:Add(D)ed something in '012 to show(C) it has our
R:If you(G) support the terrorists (or so you are
D:You'll be(D) detained without a trial, tor(C)tured
and abused(G).
Chorus: Dems
R:Guanta(G)namo's in danger, give this warning heed(D)
D:Hu(D)man rights fanatics want detai(C)nees tried or
R:But thanks(G) to the NDAA our way of life is
D:They(D) cannot close GTMO now 'cause GT(C)MO's
all around(G).
Chorus: Repubs
R:Fo(G)reigners are dangerous; they harbor terror
R:To keep(D) them from destroying us we must(C) go to
D:But we(G) all came from foreigners so logically you
D:Inde(D)finite detention must apply(C) to you and
Chorus: Dems
R:The Se(G)nate critics of this bill lost 7 to 93(D).
R:They(D) are on our watch list now for ha(C)ting
D:Oba(G)ma signed it into law to honor New Year's
D:So check(D) out any time you like but you(C) can
never leave(G).
Chorus: Repubs
R:The Dem(G)ocrats are left wing; Republicans are
D:Their(D) partisan bickering's a ne(C)ver-ending
R:But on(G) this sacred matter they can all agree(D)
D:Inde(D)finite detention is made(C) for you and
Chorus: Dems
D: Seen in(G) its proper context this bill is not so
D: We al(D)ready assassinate Ame(C)ricans abroad(G)
R: Inde(G)finite detention is not a giant leap(D)
R: And since(D) it's trial and lawyer free, it's
al(C)so really cheap(G).
Chorus: Repubs
D:Osa(G)ma bin Laden is dead and we've killed many
R: But why(D) deprive us of the spoils of
ev(C)erlasting war(G)?
D:The orcs(G) may be much weaker, but watch out for
the elves(D)
R:Inde(D)finite detention will save(C) us from
Chorus: Dems
D: Man(G)ning and Assange exposed our underbelly
R: And we(D) can't get the justice we want for(C) them
from the courts(G)
D: Inde(G)finite detention with torture suits the
R: To put(D) the second in his place it
might(C)require a hearse(G).
Chorus: Repubs
D: A(G)PA psychologists interrogate so well(D)
R: Ma(D)king them betray their ethics was(C) an easy
D: Inde(G)finite detention will flood that field with
R: We paid(D) them well for GTMO; we'll pay(C) more
for New York(G).
Chorus: Dems
D: First tar(G)get: Occupy Wall Street, with their
Otpor raised fists(D)
R:They(D) oppose our violence which makes(C) them
R:Inde(G)finite detention will teach those kids who's
D:The mar(D)kets have determined that our pro(C)fit is
their loss(G).
Chorus: Repubs
D:Then Ron(G) Paul libertarians 'cause they're loose
cannon cranks(D)
R:They(D) don't want to bomb Iran and they(C) don't
love the banks(G)
D:Inde(G)finite detention will chill those grandpas
R:And cru(D)shing all dissent is what Ame(C)rica's
Chorus: Dems
R: We're(G) one nation under God and God means Jesus
R: But that(D) does not mean human beings are
blessed(C) with human rights(G)
R: If you(G) won't grovel down before us, pack up and
go home(D)
R: Je(D)sus died so we could build a new(C) Imperial
Chorus: Repubs
D: Islam's(G) authoritarian, Marxism as well(D)
D: Freethin(D)king bon vivants must therefore bomb(C)
them back to hell(G)
D: If that(G) means you lose all your rights then
that's the price you'll pay(D)
D: Just(D) embrace the irony, there's no(C) truth
Chorus: Dems
R:Whi(G)stleblowing journalists have sued to stop the
D:But our(D) wise leaders will not rule out jai(C)ling
them at will(G)
D:The courts(G) keep on betraying us; we keep losing
our case(D)
R:So smile(D) while you can before we wipe(C) it off
your face(G).
Chorus: Repubs
D: "I(G) shot down Osama," our president
D: "Right(D) there in front of his kids I
turned(C) his brains to cream(G),
D: "I de(G)tain and assassinate when it suits my
D: "I'm(D) the Commander-in-Chief and I(C) know
how to kill(G)!"
Chorus: Dems
R: Rom(G)ney stands there unimpressed; he thinks
Obama's weak(D)
R: "Deten(D)tion without drowning's like a
kiss(C) upon the cheek(G),
R: "Bring back(G) enhanced interrogation!"
Mr. Romney says(D),
R: "Isn't(D) Appendix M enough?"
replies(C) the puzzled Prez(G).
Chorus: Repubs
R:Moon(G)bats pick on Pinochet for his detention
D:Tor(D)ture disappearance murder ev(C)eryone on
R:But Chi(G)le's fun for business now that wasn't
always true(D)
D:Inde(D)finite detention will save(C) our nation
Chorus: Dems
D: Ame(G)rica's a great empire whose victories are
R: But it(D) should now be clear the Bill of Rights(C)
is obsolete(G)
D: The free(G) market's the only principle we should enshrine(D)
R: So(D) work hard, obey in fear, or be(C) drowned in the brine (G).
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